Team Xecuter lanza oficialmente la versión 1.8 de su SX OS, que se actualiza con compatibilidad al nuevo firmware 6.0.0

Mientras Nintendo se prepara para lanzar una de las actualizaciones más importantes de los últimos meses para su consola Nintendo Switch, gracias a su filtración vía CDN desde hace una semana, se conocen todos los detalles de la misma y se ha podido tomar ventaja.

Es así cómo SX OS, al igual que otros CFW cómo ReiNX o Atmosphére, se ha actualizado dando soporte a esa inminente versión 6.0.0 de la consola.

Esta es la nota oficial que ha compartido el Team Xecuter:
Hello again, loyal userbase!
We received some feedback from some expert users who are early adopters of the upcoming 6.0 firmware update. It appears we had overlooked something which made SXOS not boot firmware 6.0 for users with an exFAT formatted microSD card.
Oops. Suffice to say, we wasted no time to track down the root cause of this issue and fixed it up for you, still ahead of the official 6.0 release schedule!
Another thing which has been addressed is the incompatibility of the current "layeredFS" implementation with firmware 6.0. SX OS will now automatically disable "layeredFS" support when running on firmware 6.0, preventing any crashes/hangs.
That's it for now. We're running out of (reasonable) minor version numbers for SX OS 1… which means we are revving up for the big SX OS 2.0 release! At this point we can't spoil yet what the next iteration of SX OS has in store for you, but rest assured it will be exciting.
Again, sorry for this minor bug-fix release.
Enjoy the upcoming 6.0 firmware with SX OS!
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Fuente: Team Xecuter